Round-table with HE discussions with HE librarians – Heidi Project

Round-table with HE discussions with HE librarians

Round-table with HE discussions with HE librarians

As part of our series of roundtables to learn more about the drivers and barriers of Higher Education Engagement in Digital Action as a catalyst for social change during the COVID-19 crisis, we organised three roundtables with librarians. This group was made up of individuals employed within the library services.

In the discussion groups, they spoke at length and shared views and opinions around digital action. Our questions focused on understanding participants’ perspectives on the drivers and barriers of digital action in these contexts. It was found that there is a need to assess the efficiency of the tasks and activities in relation to the scale of DA. Larger DA activities operated better on a larger scale, offering participation in the global community, however it was commented that this was only effective with global digital equality. It was agreed that participation and uptake of skill-building courses and workshops increased during the pandemic and that the first challenge was the implementation of strategies to maintain library services available remotely.

Discussions emphasised the accessibility and benefits of engaging with digital action (i.e. opportunities for training, funding, access to resources) as key drivers. Ideas about accessibility followed on into the discussions around barriers to engaging with digital action, with participants emphasising the potential lack of digital and technological tools, and relevant skills as a key barrier to engagement. We further discussed how HEIs can raise awareness of digital action and here conversations focused on how HEIs should emphasise and promote the benefits of these activities and the need to address community and institutional challenges that still prevent from realising their full potential.

You can also read more about our roundtables with HEI decision makers, technical staff and academic and teaching staff.