Summary of the training “Citizen science for all” – Heidi Project

Summary of the training “Citizen science for all”

Summary of the training “Citizen science for all”

Our “Citizen Science For All” Talks formed a special brand where we would invite 2-3 speakers on some particular topic to each give a 15-20 minute presentation. They might offer very different perspectives, or complement each other’s. We livetweeted the talks from the HeidiProject Twitter account and took audience questions when there was time. In that way we got to catch up with many old faces and also met a great many new ones! No less than three of these talks were focused on citizen science with indigenous communities; as you can picture, a common theme was respect and of finding out what local people wanted before imposing outsiders’ plans. Other subjects included policy making and data quality, noise and odour pollution, ethnobotany, astronomy and much more! We are very grateful to all the speakers who kindly donated their time and expertise, and the many people who signed into Zoom to listen in.

It was a pleasure to exchange ideas with old friends and new for the roundtable: some participants were our webinar speakers or regulars at citizen science conferences, but some, such as the Restart Project in London which looks into electronic repair, or a social work expert in Bangladesh, were people we had not worked with before – and perhaps we can again in the future.

You can watch our playlist of many of our Citizen Science For All Talks here.