Training: Community engagement in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Heidi Project

Training: Community engagement in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Training: Community engagement in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

During the months of June and July, UP organized a series of online workshops and an in-person summer school focusing on the engagement of HEI students on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In a series of online events during the last 2 weeks of June, participants met and learned about sustainability issues through a repository of resources, workshops, and peer discussions. Particularly important challenges were identified through group sessions, led by facilitators. Particular attention was paid to health, well-being and environmental issues.

These events were followed by a three-day, in-person hackathon, in which participants were invited to discover and test the tools that could be used during the school to answer the challenges presented by the mentors. Participants explored gamification, open-source electronic prototyping tools (arduino, movuino) and other tools from the MakerLab.

After this training, the participants joined a month-long summer school (see more here).