Event: Staff and voluntary-sector co-creation event – Heidi Project

Event: Staff and voluntary-sector co-creation event

Event: Staff and voluntary-sector co-creation event

(From UCL blog post)

Hannah Gibbs at UCL ran this co-creation event, which connected people from and interested in Higher Education, community groups and the voluntary sector across Europe and Southeast Asia to co-create methods to support Digital Action projects. We used citizen social science tools to explore ways we can record the barriers, opportunities, needs and requirements for Digital Action projects. The communal jamboards we produced we based on the Ax4 methodology (a user-centred method to describe experiences) and used four categories: actors (people), artefacts (things), activities, and atmosphere (context) to capture working relationships and experiences. We also discussed our experiences of using these tools, critiquing them, and sharing ideas about how to use them to support anyone from our sectors (HEI academic or support staff, students, local communities, and members of voluntary organisations) to assess any potential issues in order to successfully run a Digital Action project! Our participants described enthusiasm for using the visual training materials to assess Digital Action projects. Participants discussed what makes a Digital Action project successful, and connected this to the opportunities for academic and support staff, and members of voluntary organisations, to engage in Digital Action projects.

Results and emerging ideas from the Co-Creation Events:

Following the events we shared details of our future in-person events where attendees can get to know each other and other interested parties in London.