Voluntary organisation round table: Understanding voluntary-sector community needs and challenges for Digital Action – Heidi Project

Voluntary organisation round table: Understanding voluntary-sector community needs and challenges for Digital Action

Voluntary organisation round table: Understanding voluntary-sector community needs and challenges for Digital Action

During November 2022, the academic partners in the UK, Malta and France organised a series of roundtables with community groups, voluntary organisations and HE staff.

The roundtables for voluntary organisations were very successful but also very different between the three countries!

  • In the UK, the participants were mostly involved in voluntary work not directly related to DA, which prompted very interesting discussions about the potential use of the DA in their projects
  • the roundtable in Malta was mostly attended by people with experience in Citizen Science and involved in volunteer work in that area
  • In France, participants were from a very varied background that highlighted the differences between coordinating activities relate to different types of DA.

In all cases, the discussions were very rich in experience-sharing, analysis of challenges and opportunities for DA in local communities and ideas of collaboration between voluntary organisations and with local HEIs.