IO4 Developing digital skills of HE students and staff with regard to responsiveness to crisis situations – Heidi Project

IO4 Developing digital skills of HE students and staff with regard to responsiveness to crisis situations

#4 l-iżvilupp ta’ ħiliet diġitali ta’ studenti u persunal tal-EO fir-rigward tar-rispons għal sitwazzjonijiet ta’ kriżi

Ir-Riżultat 4 għandu l-għan li joħloq ġabra ta’ evidenza bbażata fuq oqfsa solidi u pan-Ewropej ta’ ħiliet diġitali li se jgħinu lill-persunal u l-istudenti tal-Edukazzjoni Ogħla jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi diġitali tagħhom permezz ta’ impenn f’azzjoni diġitali. L-għan aħħari huwa li dan il-proċess isir ta’ benefiċċju għall-komunitajiet involuti u wkoll li jissaħħaħ ir-rwol tal-universitajiet bħala msieħba soċjali ewlenin.

The “O4A1: Framework for digital skills acquired in digital action contexts” responds to the growing awareness among HEIs that the acquisition of digital skills can be better served by digital actions aiming to enhance the participation and involvement of students in solving real-life problems identified by community groups. This publication aims to identify the recognised and widely used frameworks referring to digital skills and to explore whether these digital skills can be conveyed through digital actions in which higher education staff and students participate. O4A1 will thus serve to help HEIs and communities to adopt methodologies on digital skills and ways they can be fostered through civic engagement in digital action. 

O4A1: Framework for digital skills acquired in digital action contexts